National Math Stars

National Math Stars

What we do

Math fuels innovation and progress. It enables us to expand the frontiers of science and technology and to solve the world’s biggest challenges.

More kids from more communities have the potential to be a part of that progress – but many don’t receive the support they need to develop their mathematical talent. National Math Stars is changing that. We find mathematically extraordinary students early (in 2nd and 3rd grade), and we work with them for ten years to help overcome barriers to reaching the frontiers of math and science. Our program includes math mentorship, family advising, community gatherings, and funding.

Program Overview

What does it mean to expand the frontiers of math, science and technology?



Professor and mathematician. Acclaimed as the “Mozart of mathematics.” Important contributor to number theory, harmonic analysis, and more. Winner of the Fields Medal and MacArthur Fellowship



Biochemist and 2023 Nobel Prize winner. RNA researcher and inventor whose technology was used to develop COVID-19 vaccines. Biotech startup founder and CEO

Shirley Ann


Theoretical physics researcher and former president of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Former AT&T Bell Labs researcher on semiconductor theory. First African-American woman PhD graduate from MIT



Stanford professor and artificial intelligence researcher whose ImageNet dataset spurred the rapid advance of computer vision technology. Founder of the non-profit AI4ALL



Electrical engineer and former NASA astronaut. Co-developer of the first full-field digital mammography imaging system, helping detect breast cancer earlier. Subject of the 2023 film "A Million Miles Away"

This year has been different, being involved and knowing my child’s needs are met. That has been so meaningful to us.

National Math Stars Parent

Are you a school?

If you’re a school or district who wants to partner with us to find and support your Stars, please see our schools page.