National Math Stars

National Math Stars

"I skipped three grades. More gifted students need accelerated paths."


Access to acceleration has long been wildly inequitable. Here’s what schools can do to reduce the financial and logistical barriers.

By Ilana Walder-Biesanz

I went to high school at age 11.

Within two years, I had run out of math and Spanish classes there, so I walked from my public school campus to nearby Lewis and Clark College to study differential equations, symbolic logic, and the plays of 1830s Spain.

People often ask me if it was strange to be a newly minted teenager in classrooms full of college upperclassmen. The truth is, no one knew my age unless I told them. I was just the overenthusiastic, kind of young-looking kid in the front row.

Without the chance to skip grades, I would have completely disengaged from school. Even three years accelerated in all subjects and five or six in some, I found the pace of many classes infuriatingly slow. Only the open-ended exploration of high school and college courses kept me from boredom…

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National Math Stars Raises $16.5 Million to Find and Support Mathematically Extraordinary Students


New nonprofit invites educators and parents to nominate mathematically extraordinary Texas students in 2nd and 3rd grade, and will support each student with over $100,000 in resources over ten years

HOUSTON, May 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — National Math Stars (NMS) has just closed substantial seed funding of $16.5 million for their first three years, with the mission to ensure mathematically extraordinary students from all communities have the resources they need to reach the frontiers of math and science.

NMS is actively recruiting 2nd and 3rd grade students who lack access to sufficiently advanced instruction and community. NMS will recruit its first cohort of 50 – 60 students from Texas. NMS is asking Texas schools to nominate the top 2 – 3% of their students, and will then run a selection process to find the most mathematically extraordinary students whose trajectories are likely to be changed by this program. Parents and others are also able to nominate or apply on behalf of students directly. The application window is open until June 30, 2024. Future cohorts will come from both Texas and other states as the program grows…

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